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The Continuing Mystery of Early 2020

The Continuing Mystery of Early 2020

Conspiracy Chart

The Elephant in the Room

Discussing Inflation, Trump, and other topics of the day.

Modern Wolves deceiving the flock for the Feds

JD Farag prophecy update from February 6th 2022

1.3.2022 Update - Pastor JD, RFK jr, A Stand in the Park, Eugenics

Good update from Pastor JD on Sunday the 2nd of January 2022

What is coming up including:

Jim Rickards Math for Future Gold Price

2 years ago George Gammon made a nice video on Jim Rickards ideas on where the gold price might go.

He shows how 3 experts:

Brent Johnson ( of Dollar Milkshake fame and )

D L Moody and War

D. L. Moody said:

September 11th - September Clues

I don't know when I first came across the original September Clues video but it made more sense than anything else I had looked into about 9/11

Here it is being hosted on  Fakeotube ... I guess it can't be on youtube anymore

(over an hour)


Jay Dyer - Operation Lockstep

Here is a recent Jay Dyer report on Operation Lockstep:

here is his youtube channel

My favorite thing from him lately is his 1 hour shows, where he fills in for Alex Jones.

He analyses films - 


Lord Acton - People versus the Banks


"The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to fought sooner or later, is the people versus the banks."

as seen on Wall Street Silver Reddit

Lord Acton on wikipedia

more quotes



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