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1.3.2022 Update - Pastor JD, RFK jr, A Stand in the Park, Eugenics

Good update from Pastor JD on Sunday the 2nd of January 2022

What is coming up including:

“Davison’s upcoming book, “Astrobiology and Christian Doctrine,” due out in 2022, according to the Times, will cover part of CTI and NASA’s joint spiritual exploration, in which his “most significant question” is how theologians would respond to the notion “of there having been many incarnations [of Christ]” in the universe, he added in the blog post.”

And more Reset news




Shocking details:

So why is the system revealing another layer of evil that they commit? Are they forced to? If we accept it, do they get even more power over us?



This is a good view into how some Brits are thinking:


“As many of you know, each Sunday morning I take part in "A Stand in the Park" in a nearby town here in Lancashire. Over the months I have been attending, I have found the experience very encouraging, not least because it has been great to talk to people who have similar (not identical) concerns about the way the world seems to be going, particularly since the so-called "pandemic".

So, I thought it would be good to share something of that experience with TMR listeners—in the form of an "audio diary" (which I've done before)—just to give a sense of the atmosphere of the Stands and to give an idea of the kinds of conversation that can take place.

So, please do join me—and my gracious friends at the Stand, who kindly agreed to speak for this recording—and consider it an encouragement to check out your local Stand (if there is one) and perhaps make it part of your own Sunday routine.

Oh, and happy Christmas!”


This the worldwide group gathering on Sundays:



The Bad Guys are still into Eugenics:


From the Rebel Capitalist show 10minutes



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