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September 11th - September Clues

I don't know when I first came across the original September Clues video but it made more sense than anything else I had looked into about 9/11

Here it is being hosted on  Fakeotube ... I guess it can't be on youtube anymore

(over an hour)


Jay Dyer - Operation Lockstep

Here is a recent Jay Dyer report on Operation Lockstep:

here is his youtube channel

My favorite thing from him lately is his 1 hour shows, where he fills in for Alex Jones.

He analyses films - 


Lord Acton - People versus the Banks


"The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to fought sooner or later, is the people versus the banks."

as seen on Wall Street Silver Reddit

Lord Acton on wikipedia

more quotes


Margin Debt

I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts today

Jay Taylor - Turning Hard Times Into Good Times - Fed Taper Talk

He was discussing with David McAlvany of McAlvany ICA the latest Fed Taper Talk and Fake Outs.

Vaccines in Development

I looked thru all the vaccines on this list of those in development. There are like 3 categories that do not involve changing your DNA. I wouldn't say that they would be safe, but possibly less disastrous. Maybe those kinds will only make you sterile. 2 vaccines use a skin patch for delivery. This is the method the mark of the beast technology is using. It give the dye/tracking along with the vaccine using needles in the patch that dissolve in your skin. I don't know that other vaccines can not also add a tracking dye, but the patent was for the skin patch one.

On Vaccines, Masks, and Phamaceutical Companies

Like I said before, I used to work at Genentech for many years. I was making tons of money there, great benefits. I had just finished my first sabbatical. So why did I leave? I discovered that an industrial coolant had been leaking into the pharmaceuticals, maybe for years. Genentech was manufacturing sterile, injectable, genetically engineered drugs. The drugs were freeze dried, and the fluid that heated and cooled the shelves in the freeze drier (lyophilizer) was leaking into the drugs under vacuum.

At the Feet of James Corbett

By Russell Kanning


I have learned many great details listening to James Corbett. He calmly lays out all the facts he has found so far and gives you Agorist ( oriented ideas for action.





This is his latest video/podcast welcoming all the people that might have fallen down the rabbit hole in the last few months of Covid insanity.


"A Message to New Conspiracy Theorists"

A Jewish Man Speaks out about Masks

From Neil Lipkin:

The Vaccine Deception

The Vaccine Deception by Dean Odle for Governor

This Week with David Lee September 21, 2020

Do you want to learn about the REAL source of the V I R U S??? Chemtrails, nano-bots, ingestion of those nano-bots, EMF’s caused by Cell phones, WiFi, Smart Meters, Smart TV’s, Gwen towers, IPads, Computers, etc. and how they can manipulate/trigger those nano-bots within your body causing the virus. If in doubt,..........RESEARCH!!



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